(Click link, above, for full version of policy.)
During 2015, the Safe Church Team of Zion attended sessions provided by The Samaritan Counseling Center Safe Church Program in order to be guided in development of a child protection policy for the congregation that would meet the requirements of laws enacted by the State of Pennsylvania in 2014.  Parishioners desiring to insure that Zion is a safe church for children and their families received training through two additional presentations held at Zion.  Since then, all members and staff who participate in ministries of the congregation that involve children and youth have been acquiring their certifications and completing their requirements to become approved adults.  In November, 19  volunteers and staff members received the mandatory training as “mandated reporters.”  Other opportunities to receive this training will be scheduled in 2016.
Click the title, above, to access the full version of the Zion Child Protection Policy.  Below, are Zion’s Safe Church documents and requirements.  If you have questions, please don’t hesitate to call the church office.  
Safe Church Documents– checklist for Approved Adults  (Click on the document name to download a copy.)