Regular Sunday Worship Schedule
9:00 AM Worship
Worship includes both familiar Christian hymns and liturgy as well as more contemporary Christian music. Service music is led by the organ, piano, and additional instruments. Special music selections and song leaders enhance the worship experience. Words for the spoken or sung parts of the service are projected on the video screen at the front of the worship space. Hymnal pages are noted when appropriate. Holy Communion is celebrated weekly. Following the service, all are invited to join in the narthex for refreshments and conversation!
Communion: All baptized Christians are welcome to partake of the Holy Sacrament. Those who do not, or prefer not to, partake in the sacrament may come forward and receive a blessing. If you are unable to come forward, please inform one of the ushers and communion will be brought to you in your seat. Pre-packaged communion kits are also available for worshipers who prefer not to come forward for communion distribution. Gluten-free wafers are available upon request.
Restrooms are located near each entrance to the worship area. A baby changing station is in the childcare/nursery room next to the two ADA- approved restrooms in the hallway near the sanctuary.
Hearing aid devices are available on the table in the entrance hall.
Prayer Request Cards are provided in the pew racks, in the Narthex by the entrance doors to the Sanctuary, and on the table at the front of the worship space. There is a box on that table to put prayer request cards.
Children are welcome as active participants in worship. Both services include a Children’s Chat, and activity books are available at the “Children’s Corner” in the back of the worship area.
The nursery room is available for families to use during the service.
Ushers are located near the back of the worship area to assist you with any other needs or concerns you may have.
WHY DO LUTHERANS WORSHIP THE WAY THEY DO? Click here for a series of articles on the history of Lutheran worship.
Music and
Worship Arts
At Zion